The fast pace and repetitive physical motions associated with warehouse work can easily lead to worker injuries. Without proper preventative measures, warehouse employees can experience a variety of injuries to muscles, nerves, ligaments, and tendons, and in some extreme cases, skeletal injury.

While stretching, good posture, and proper personal protective equipment can help mitigate the risk of a workplace injury, automation offers several solutions to help keep workers safe and healthy. Here are a few implementations to consider to improve workplace ergonomics for workers in your warehouse.

Bring the Goods to Your Workers

The act of lifting and moving heavy loads over long or moderate distances is one of the most common causes for stress-related injury commonly experienced by warehouse workers. To help mitigate the risk of fatigue, it is best to employ automation that limits the distance a worker must travel while carrying a load. These solutions are referred to as goods-to-person robotics, and they can greatly reduce the risk of worker injury. As an added bonus, these systems help improve efficiency by drastically reducing the amount of time workers must spend travelling the warehouse floor each day while moving goods.

Improve Worker Safety

Goods-to-person solutions can also have a big impact on worker safety. In the pandemic era, this kind of automation is perfect for maintaining social distancing while keeping product moving efficiently. Goods-to-person technology also reduces foot traffic throughout the warehouse floor, greatly reducing the risk for common accidents such as slips, falls, and collisions.

Better Ergonomics

In addition to reducing the risk of injury and improving worker safety, goods-to-person provides better ergonomics compared to traditional warehouse equipment. Goods-to-person workstations occupy a smaller footprint, reducing the need for unnecessary movement. They also can be adjusted to better suit the height of each worker for ideal posture throughout the workday. This reduced stress makes workers means workers will be more comfortable, which can lead to greater efficiency and improved worker outlook.

For better efficiency, safety, and comfort for workers in your warehouse, trust a custom solution from UMD Automated Solutions. Contact us today to get started.